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Open Air Festivals 2009
Unsere persönlichen Favoriten anno 2009
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01. + 02.05.2009: Walpurgis Metal Days in Hauzenberg / Passau (Lower Bavaria)
Enthroned - Tankard - Vader - Artas - Dornenreich - Grave - Sinister - Vital Remains - Fleshless - Wolfchant - In Slumber - Fjøergyn - Scarecrow and more
31.00 € incl. Parking/Camping 210 km from Munich, 320 km from Vienna, 420 km from Stuttgart, 20 km from Passau

22. - 24.05.2009: Summer Nights Festival in Burg Frauenstein, Mining am Inn / Braunau (Austria)
Kreator - Arch Enemy - Satyricon - Sodom - Kataklysm - Wintersun - Behemoth - Ensiferum - Legion of the Damned - Belphegor - Eluveitie - Equilibrium - Graveworm - Keep of Kalessin - Wolfchant - Sycronomica - Darkfall and more
59.00 € incl. Camping & Parking, + 5,- € Garbage Deposit 140 km from Munich, 280 km from Vienna, 350 km from Stuttgart, 70 km from Salzburg

19. + 20.06.2009: Apocalyptic Form of Death in Trhové Sviny / České Budějovice (Czech Republic)
Hollenthon - Fleshgod Apocalypse - Fleshless - Helfahrt - Mater Monstifera - Tortharry - Minority Sound - Arch of Hell - Galadriel - Infer - Everlasting Dark - Azahel’s Fortress - Yorpu - Belligerence - Stigma - Blasphemer - Secret of Darkness ... and more
18.00 € (450 CZK), incl. Parking/Camping 360 km from Munich, 170 km from Vienna, 600 km from Stuttgart, 20 km from Budweis

02. - 07.07.2009: Metal Camp in Tolmin / Sotočje / Gorica (Slovenia)
Nightwish - Blind Guardian - Dimmu Borgir - Edguy - Kataklysm - Destruction - My Dying Bride - Sodom - Legion Of The Damned - Die Apokalyptischen Reiter - Graveworm - Sonic Syndicate - Keep Of Kalessin - Hollenthon - Equilibrium - ...
124.00 € (4.-6.7.: 84,- €) inkl. Camping + 22 € Parking 400 km from Munich, 430 km from Vienna, 620 km from Stuttgart, 100 km from Ljubljana Headbangers Holidays !!

10. + 11.07.2009: Blacklights in Diviäov u Beneäova (Czech Republic)
Darkspace - Cruachan - Sear Bliss - Wyrd - Azaghal - Emancer - Black Flame - Silent Stream of Godless Elegy - Kromlek - Gorath - Galadriel - Heiden - Stíny Plamenů - Infer - Panychida ...
16.00 € (450 Kč) 420 km from Munich, 250 km from Vienna, 530 km from Stuttgart, 50 km from Prague

16. - 18.07.2009: Obscene Extreme in Svojšice u Přelouče / Pardubice (Czech Republic)
Napalm Death - Afgrund - Municipal Waste - Fleshless - Venemous Concept - Desecration - Belching Beet - Birdflesh - Lividity - Dead Infection - Ratos de Porão - Disfear - Machetazo - Wolfbrigade - Spasm ...
26.00 € ? tba - (ca. 700 Kč) + parking ticket 500 km from Munich, 245 km from Vienna, 570 km from Stuttgart, 80 km from Trutnov New location!

08. + 09.08.2009: Mera Luna in Hildesheim (North Germany)
Prodigy - Nightwish - Apocalyptica - Subway To Sally - Peter Heppner - Alexander Veljanov - Crüxshadows - Oomph! - Apo. Reiter - Zeraphine - Untoten - Schelmish - Sitd - Grendel - Ashbury Heights - Frozen Plasma - Tyske Ludder - Tiamat - Blutengel - Die Form ...
74.00 € incl. VVK, incl. 5,- € Garbage Deposit 650 km from Munich, 950 km from Vienna, 550 km from Stuttgart, 30 km from Hannover

11. - 13.09.2009: Festival-Mediaval in Selb (BY)/Aä (CZ) (Bavaria/Czech Rep.)
Dikanda, Ougenweide, Pampatut, Dazkarieh, Elster Silberflug, Coppelius, Vedan Kolod, Sava, Amber, Bragas, Van Langen, Haggard, Reincarnatus, Faun, Dæmonia Nymphe, Clanrock, Rapalje, Scharlatan, Valravn, Torxes von Freygeist, Wandelbar, Kelvin Kalvus ...
75.00 € + VVK, + 5,- € Camping, + Müll 275 km from Munich, 500 km from Vienna, 360 km from Stuttgart, 200 km from Prague Mittle-Age Fest (Archery Tournament, Market, Theatre Stage, Cabaret)
Mitfahrgelegenheit! - Wenn irgendjemand auf eines der obigen Festivals von München aus fährt oder mitfahren möchte, kann sich gerne bei uns melden. Vielleicht geht ja was zam ... |
All Open Air Festivals in Central Europe
- An incomplete Open Air Fest List -
01. + 02.05.2009 Hauzenberg / Passau (BY)
Walpurgis Metal Days
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22. - 24.05.2009 Burg Frauenstein, Mining am Inn / Braunau (A)
Summer Nights Festival
more Info
29. - 31.05.2009 Gelsenkirchen (D)
Children of Bodom - Opeth - Sacred Reich - Forbidden - Angel Witch ...
64.00 € + 7,- € Post + 13,75 € Camping --
04.06 - 06.06.2009 Brněnec u Letovic (CZ)
Hardline Therapy
Vader - Tortharry - Stigma - Inzest - Luna ad Noctem - Return to Innocence - Mincing Fury AGGOQD - Hollenthon - Ingrowing - Depresy - Disfigured Corpse - Fleshless - Hate - Mater Monstifera - Pandemia ...
19.00 € (490 Kč) --
12. + 13.06.2009 Červený Kostelec (CZ)
Czech Death Fest
Sinister - Hate - Demogorgon - Slytract - Depresy - Disfigured Corpse - FOB - Ingrowing - Isacaarum - Martyrium Christi - Poppy Seed Grinder - Tortharry ...
20.00 € (490 Kč) -- 530 km from Munich, 320 km from Vienna, 650 km from Stuttgart, 150 km from Prague (40km severní od Hradce Králové)
18. - 20.06.2009 Kleinwenkheim / Münnerstadt (BY)
Queens of Metal
Bonded by Blood - Cataract - Davidian - Enemy of the Sun - Illdisposed - Misery Index - Neaera - Orden Ogan - Sacred Steel - Sniper - Tankard - Ultrawurscht - Whitechapel - Witchburner ...
30.00 € incl. Parking, Camping + Post -- 320 km from Munich, 650 km from Vienna, 220 km from Stuttgart, 40 km from Schweinfurt
19. - 20.06.2009 Korb / Waiblingen (D)
Metallic Noise Festival
Apophis - Cockroach - Karkadan - Nuclear Warfare - Big Balls - Agrypnie - Darkness Ablaze - Out of Order - Parsifall ...
18.00 € incl. Camping -- 200 km from Munich, 660 km from Vienna, 20 km from Stuttgart
19. + 20.06.2009 Trhové Sviny / České Budějovice (CZ)
Apocalyptic Form of Death
more Info
19. - 21.06.2009 Clisson / Nantes (F)
Manowar - Anthrax - Amon Amarth - Destruction - Epica - Napalm Death - Cathedral - Wasp - Pestilence - Girlschool - Kataklysm - Slapshot - Gorgoroth - Enslaved ...
119.00 € incl. parking+camping -- 1150 km from Munich, 1600 km from Vienna, 950 km from Stuttgart, 400 km from Paris
26. - 27.06.2009 Schloss Waldenfels / Reichenthal (A)
Northern Lights
Vesna - Thorondir - Ahnengrab - Ctulu - Trimonium - Ragnarök - Kromlek - Minas Morgul - Finsterforst - Ctulu - Panychida - Northland - Nagaroth - Manegarm - Atratus
34.00 € + 5 € Garbage Deposit -- , 50 km from Linz
26. + 27.06.2009 Balingen (D)
Bang Your Head
Blind Guardian - Alestorm - Wasp - Sacred Reich - Laaz Rockit - Udo - Sodom ...
71.50 € + 15,- € Camping (incl. 5€ Müll) + 10,- € Parking/Auto + Post --
26. - 28.06.2009 Wachenroth / Erlangen (BY)
Suffering Life Festival
Destruction - Peter Pan Speedrock - Vomitory - Leng Tch’e - Endstille - Hackneyed ....
32.00 € -- 220 km from Munich, 540 km from Vienna, 200 km from Stuttgart, 30 km from Erlangen
26. - 28.06.2009 Dessel (B)
Graspop Metal Meeting
Mötley Crüe - Slipknot - Soulfly - Dream Theater - Blind Guardian - Korn - Nightwish - Trivium - Lacuna Coil - Anthrax - Epica - Sacred Reich - Suicidal Tendecies - Candlemass - Legion of the Damned - Death Angel - Marilyn Manson - Kataklysm - Exodus - Pestilence - Gathering - Taake - Keep of Kalessin ....
135.00 € (incl. Camping, Parking & Train in België, excl. Reservation. Douche: 1,50 €) -- 750 km from Munich, 1080 km from Vienna, 530 km from Stuttgart, 80 km from Brussel
03.07. - 05.07.2009 Spálené Pořč / Plzeň-jih (CZ)
Sabaton - Dagoba - Trollech - Root - Wizard - Alkehol - Arakain - Tisíc let od Ráje - Tortharry - Törr - Asmodeus - Polemic - Škwor - Citron - Symphonity - Killchain - Maelstrom - Shaark - Sto zvířat - Znouzecnost - Miloš DODO Doležal - Doga - Harlej - Horkýže Slíže - Konflikt - Krucipusk - Tleskač - Dysmorphia - Innocens - Jaksi Taksi and more
22.00 € (550 CZK) -- 300 km from Munich, 250 km from Vienna, 470 km from Stuttgart, 50 km from Pilsen
02. - 07.07.2009 Tolmin / Sotočje / Gorica (SLO)
Metal Camp
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10. + 11.07.2009 Divišov u Benešova (CZ)
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09. - 12.07.2009 Vizovice / Olomouc (CZ)
Masters of Rock
Nightwish - Blind Guardian - Edguy - Europe - Rage - Stratovarius - Arch Enemy - Dragonforce - - Korpiklaani - In Extremo - Tiamat - Kataklysm - Deathstars - Evergrey - Axxis - Heaven Shall Burn - Legion Of The Damned - Die Happy - The Sorrow - Schandmaul - Kreyson - Bethrayer ....
42.00 € ? tba - cca. 1000 Kč (+Camping: 100 Kč p.P./day + 60 Kč/Car&day) -- 650 km from Munich, 190 km from Vienna, 750 km from Stuttgart, 80 km from Olomouc
16. - 18.07.2009 Svojšice u Přelouče / Pardubice (CZ)
Obscene Extreme
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16. - 18.07.2009 Spital am Semmering (A)
Kaltenbach Open Air
Amon Amarth - Dark Tranquillity - Einherjer - Dying Fetus - Primordial - Belphegor - Thyrfing - Rotten Sound - Absu - Dark Fortress - Evocation - Vomitory - Lividity - Hackneyed - Hellsaw - Hate - Paragon Belial - Infer - Neochrome - FOB - Ultrawurscht - Cremation - Epsilon - Goddamned X - Lost Dreams - Luciferi Excelsi - Noisebazooka - Outrage - Parental Advisory - Prosperity Denied - Sanguis - Sole Method - Stockholm Syndrom - Tears Of Wrath - Thytopia ...
54.00 € incl. Parking + Camping -- 440 km from Munich, 100 km from Vienna, 680 km from Stuttgart

17. + 18.07.2009 Urbach / Schwäbisch Gmünd (D)
Hatesphere - Disparaged - Agathodaimon - Aggressive Fear - Bleeding Red - Darkness By Oath - Neaera - Sideblast ...
25.50 € + Post + 3 € Müllpfand -- 200 km from Munich, 660 km from Vienna, 35 km from Stuttgart
17. + 18.07.2009 Pössneck (O)
Hells Pleasure Fest
Pentagram (US) - Pentagram (Chile) - Absu - Agatus - Necrophobic - Pagan Rites - Zemial ...
34.00 € + 3,- € camping --
23.*(24.) - 25.07.2009 Ostrava / Vřesina (CZ)
Unholy Fest
Attention! Some Bands will not play! The Organisation has not enough money to pay, e.g Obituary will not play. Troll - 1349 - Shining - Desultory - Asphyx - Entombed - Unleashed - Amon Amarth - Satyricon - Enslaved - Gorgoroth - Infernal War - Enclave - Nefarium - Koldbrann - Hate - Urgehal - Desaster - Root - Impaled Nazarene - Dark Funeral - Primal Fear - Mayhem - Moonspell - Holy Moses - North - Hell United - Vesna - Blood Red Throne - Furia ...
70.00 € (1900 Kč) incl. T-Shirt, + 90 Kč receipt -- 720 km from Munich, 320 km from Vienna, 870 km from Stuttgart, 375 km from Prague * = Only owners of first 2000 tickets can go to Open Party in AS Arena on 23.07 with CRADLE OF FILTH, GRAVE, CRYPTOPSY, HORNA
24. + 25.07.2009 Obersinn / Fulda - Würzburg (BY)
Eisenwahn (an der Eisenbahn)
Napalm Death - Cryptopsy - Dornenreich - Graveworm - Carnal Decay - Debauchery - My Darkest Hate - Deformed - Despondency - Kain ....
28.00 € + Versandkosten + ? -- 330 km from Munich, 670 km from Vienna, 190 km from Stuttgart, 60 km from Fulda and Würzburg
23. - 25.07.2009 Brande-Hörnerkirchen / Elmshorn (D)
Headbangers Open Air
Razor - Pretty Maids - Tank - Manilla Road - Vicious Rumors - Tankard - Helstar - Angel Witch - Paradox ...
40.00 € incl. VVK, Post, WarmUp Show --
30.07 - 01.08.2009 Wacken (D)
Wacken Open Air
Amon Amarth - Anthrax - Borknagar - Cathedral - Enslaved - Feuerschwanz - Gwar - In Extremo - In Flames - Vreid - Turisas - Trouble - Tristania - Testament - Running Wild - Naapalm Death - Motörhead ...
140.00 € incl. all -- 900 km from Munich, 1200 km from Vienna, 800 km from Stuttgart, 50 km from Hamburg 20th Anniversary
06. - 08.08.2009 Bad Berka (O)
Partysan Open Air
Satyricon - 6 ft Under - Unleashed - Marduk - DArk Funeral - Brutal Truth - Eluveitie - Deströyer666 - Moonsorrow - Sadus - Thyrfing - Shining - Brujeria ...
48.80 € + Post, incl. Camping & Parking -- 410 km from Munich, 600 km from Vienna, 350 km from Stuttgart, 190 km from Fulda
06. - 08.08.2009 Jaroměř / Hradec Králové (CZ)
Brutal Assualt
Beneath - The Massacre - Dark Funeral - Gwar - Hate Eternal - Krisiun - Madball - Marduk - Misery Index - Necrophagist - Opeth - Suffocation - Suicide Silence - Testament - The Faceless - Turisas - Vreid ...
45.00 € (1400 Kč) incl. 50 Kč Garbage Deposit -- 510 km from Munich, 300 km from Vienna, 630 km from Stuttgart, 130 km from Prague (20km severně od Hradce Králové)
08. + 09.08.2009 Hildesheim (D)
Mera Luna
more Info

13. - 15.08.2009 Dinkelsbühl (D)
Suffocation, Entombed, Amon Amarth, Amorphis, Epica, Equilibrium, God Dethroned, Grave, Haggard, Battlelore, Before the Dawn, Beneath the Massacre, Black Messiah, Corvus C., Cataract, Deadlock, Dagoba, Elvenking, Hate, JBO, Katatonia, Necrophagist, Opeth, Sacred Steel, Schandmaul, Skyforger, Unearth, Unheilig, Vader, Voivod, Vreid, Waylander, Wintersun ...
70.00 € incl. camping & parking -- 170 km from Munich, 580 km from Vienna, 120 km from Stuttgart, 100 km from Nürnberg
13. - 15.08.2009 Ljubečna / Celje (SLO)
Paranoid Open Air
The Scourge - Theatres des Vampires - Sagaris - Requiem - Obscura - Necronomicon - Naberius - Misery Index - Hate Eternal - Candlemass - Atheist - Agnostic Front - ërec - T€ke - Stribog - Onslaught - Kozeljnik ...
60.00 € incl. Camping & Parking -- 490 km from Munich, 300 km from Vienna, 710 km from Stuttgart, 80 km from Ljubljana
12. - 17.08.2009 Budapest (îbudai Island) (H)
Sziget Festival
Prodigy - Tote Hosen - IMAX - Placebo - Brujeria - Gwar - Turbonegro - Life of Agony ........ and a lot of stuff IÕve never heard....
150.00 € incl. Camping / without camping on the island: 120,- € -- 680 km from Munich, 240 km from Vienna, 920 km from Stuttgart

21. + 22.08.2009 Muotathal / Schwyz (CH)
Mountains of Death
Depression, Captain Cleanoff, Kraanium, Psycroptic, Human Mincer, Beneath the Massacre ...
27.50 € ? - tba. (=55.00 CHF) -- 350 km from Munich, 760 km from Vienna, 300 km from Stuttgart, 15 km from Schwyz
04. + 05.09.2009 Annenheim am Ossiachersee / Villach (A)
Rock the Lake
The Sorrow - Grailknights - Maroon - Exilia - Debauchery - Hackneyed - Artas - Darkfall - Shadowcry - Disastrous Murmur - Ultrawurscht - Parishing Mankind ....
36.00 € inkl. park+camp, garbage deposit: 5 € -- 300 km from Munich, 340 km from Vienna, 540 km from Stuttgart, 100 km from Ljubljana
11. + 12.09.2009 Hüttikon (ZH) (CH)
Meh Suff! Metal Festival
Belphegor - Sinister - Cliteater - Dark Fortress - Debauchery - Varg - Amputated Repugnance - Emeth - Hour Of Penance - Inveracity ....
35.00 € (63 CHF) -- 350 km from Munich, 780 km from Vienna, 250 km from Stuttgart, 35 km from Zürich
11. - 13.09.2009 Selb (BY)/Aä (CZ) (BY/CZ)
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