multi player scenarios
Double Town
Players: 3, 4, 6, 8
File Size: 244 K
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Players: 4 + 6
File Size: 168 K
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Islands. Big enough map with enough ressources, enough space, rivers, oceans and sometimes connected islands. Some Gaia Objects.
Players: 4 + 6
File Size: 180 K
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Yucatán-like map. In the center is one island full of gold, the Coral Island (=Koralleninsel). The player's starting (is)lands and some more islands are at the edges. They are connected together. Also some surprises... Yucatán-Archipel-Map. In der Mitte die Koralleninsel mit viel Gold. Aussenrum mehrere Inseln, z.T. die Startinseln, die miteinander verbunden sind. Einige Überraschungen gibt's auch...
Players: 3-6
File Size: 450 K
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Very nice winter landscape. Thick forest with enough open space for building and fighting. Plenty of Gold and, of course, wood. No fishing.
Players: 3-5
File Size: 224 K
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Difficult Multiplayer-Map. Salt Marsh-Rain Forest-Mongrovia-Jungle-Map with a lot of islands, shallows, lakes and narrow paths and canals. Plenty of ressources, relics and jaguars. Schwierige Multiplayer-Map. Eine Mischung aus Moorlandschaft, Regenwald, Mongroven und Dschungel mit vielen Inseln, Shallows, Sümpfen, Fjorden, Teichen und engen Gassen und Kanälen. Viele Relikte und Jaguare.
Players: 2-8
File Size: 58 K
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Each player starts with 3 villagers on different positions on the map, but without a town center. The map itself is one big land in the middle, but you can't go round by sea. Plenty of ressources.
Players: 2-8
File Size: 70 K
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Principially the same as Nomad-Island , but a different (and better, I think) map with just a few lakes.